Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Cohen and  the Jewish Journal which published  Cohen's article  state”: We must hear the cries of the children and their parents. We must stop this criminal behavior masquerading as law. Call your senators, call your representatives. Do not rest until this has been stopped.

Cohen’s article starts off as follows: "John Moore’s picture of a Honduran 2-year-old, wearing clothes in a similar color combination to Aylan’s (red shirt, blue pants, sneakers), her dark hair matted across her face, standing, crying, next to her mother as they were taken into custody near the Mexico-U.S. border, might define the current immigration crisis. It has grabbed people’s attention for this week.”

As Scott Adams would point out :Wearing the same colors? Child of the same age? John Moore just  having been  there at the time of of a crying child  and the apprehension? This photo has exactly the same identifiers as the pictures pedaled to the Western world by Hezbollah and the Western media which claimed to be showing dead Lebanese children "murdered by the IDF".

AND NOTE THAT THIS PICTURE OF A CRYING CHILD WAS REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN TAKEN WELL BEFORE ANY CLAIMED SEPARATION.      Also, note that the child has been taken on a very   hazardous journey. If you or I as US citizens would undertake an equivalent hazardous camping trip with our children, they would soon be separated from us to  be taken away by  Child Welfare and we would be languishing in a jail cell facing the charges of criminal child endangerment. And Cohen and presumably the Jewish Journal would actively and vocally support our incarceration.

“Aside from Trump’s blatantly false assertions that these are policies the Democrats put into place and he cannot do anything about it, " 

Mark Levin , a conservative talk show host who is a lawyer  who  served in the US Justice Department explained the Catch-22 circumstances. A liberal California  Federal District Court Judge mandated that children could not be held in a detention facility with their parents. Thus, if the parents are to be charged with illegal entry, removal of the children is  required by judicial decision. Note that this was a liberal judge in California that made a decision that she mandated would apply nationwideand that other Federal districts might make a different decisions. The overwhelming percentage of the children "separated" are arriving in Texas, where the District Court would have a high probability of making a different decision. Therefore, it would be appropriate for Cohen  and the Jewish Journal  strongly suggest that the Trump administration go to a federal District Court in Texas for an emergency hearing and request for a decision permitting family unification.

Currently, Hamas is attempting to breach the border between Gaza and Israel by mass attempts of" unarmed civilians" [serving as human shields for Hamas and other terrorist groups]. They are utilizing managed images of "innocent civilians" such as a female medic who turned out to be a Hamas activist and the world media to demean Israel.

Cohen points out that the current enforcement actions have “generated wall-to-wall criticism. In the Jewish world, social justice and human rights organizations (Bend the Arc, T’ruah, Jews for Racial & Economic Justice) condemned the move”    So many of these organizations have also condemned Israel and the IDF for its response to Hamas’  campaign to breach the border with Israel and have their terrorists enter Israel for a campaign terror and murder.

As examples false arguments, Cohen states "Aside from the tendentiousness of the claim of the zero-tolerance policy (that people who cross the border to seek asylum are breaking the law, since the United States is obligated under international law to grant asylum), does our tradition have anything to say about the conflict between laws and values? Should an asylum seeker be able to cross the border illegally in order to be able to make a legal claim of asylum?

In fact, most of these illegal immigrants are economic migrants. Most of the rest are fleeing crime and lawlessness in their home country. Neither of these classes are ENTITLED TO  asylum under international law. Also it  is very significant that they are attempting to enter the United States  through Mexico. By international law, political asylum seekers must register in and seek political asylum at the first country in which they touch base after they flee their home land. [This also applies to the African migrants to Israel who enter through Egypt/Sinai…. They should be the problem of Egypt, not Israel.]

Cohen resorts to his self- selected reading of Jewish law to justify his political orientation: "Jewish tradition is very clear that pikuach nefesh, or the saving a life, overrides or sets aside all other commandments (except idolatry, illicit sexual relations and murder). Therefore, one is obligated (not merely permitted) to violate the Shabbat to save a life. However, this is not the only time that the rabbis valorize going against the halachah in service to a greater good."

I will leave it to others to discuss whether certain solutions/improvements would serve the purposes of these families better than the current situation and still maintain the security and integrity of US borders and US immigration policy. For example, since, nearly all of these individuals are coming through Mexico possibly requiring them to register and remain in Mexico until processing would meet every reasonable requirement .

Cohen asks  the readers of the Jewish Journal to   urge  members of Congress to decrease the funding for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that enables the administration’s family separation practices. [What Sen. Rubio proposes is more resources to provide better housing and faster processing. Which of these two alternatives makes more sense to the immigrants and to the US government?]

What Cohen is really asking for asking for is that we have open borders and unlimited immigration which unfortunately has included vicious criminal gangs, drug dealers, sex trade operators, etc.

What is really needed has been pointed out by Sen. Cruz. More resources to expedite those who deserve sanctuary and to weed out those who would destroy the fabric of the society of the United States of America.

Do you believe, as we do, that the Jewish Journal should devote itself to articles that are vital to the American Jewish community and/or the survival of Israel?    If so, Publisher and Editor-in-chief David Suissa  can be reached at davids@jewishjournal.com

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