Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Where is the outrage that  should be becoming from the American Jewish community (but apparently is not)?

Examination of these  legal proceedings clearly indicate  anti-semitic  bias and legal finagling. Had this been a Muslim organization the mainstream media would be hysterical and every Jewish group would be out  loudly protesting.

 I am distributing this story as an individual Christian supporter of  a robust American Jewish community and  a supporter of Israel in the hope that justice and  sanity will  finally prevail.

U.S. court orders a place of Jewish life to be demolished 

   November 27, 2018

Towson University in Maryland is like so many other Universities.  In addition to the regular dormitories, in Towson, there is a Center for Jewish Life.  This amazing couple managed to somehow build a million dollar building in order to continue Jewish life in this University.  However, a court order came down that doesn’t just penalize them, but actually will bring them to their knees.

There are a few options.  On the Towson crisis website, there are a few options drawn up.
  1. Pay for a settlement with the neighbors
  2. Donate to move the house (if permitted by the court)
  3. Contribute to the exorbitant costs the court is imposing on Chabad of Towson to destroy its own building, and the cost to rebuild.
In all scenarios, these funds will ensure there is a home away from home for the Jewish students of Towson University and Goucher College.
Rabbi Rivkin claims that this kind of a drastic order has never been done before.  A religious hospitality center has never been been demolished.

A Few Ways to Help

If you would like to save the Chabad House, there are a few options.
  1.  Help defray the legal costs and stop the destruction.  They have raised a bit more than $100,000.  Now they need another $400,000.  Click to Donate.
  2. Write a Note to an influential councilman

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