Sunday, October 25, 2020

A black Raytheon  Corporation engineer speaks out in a posting on a black lives matter site…"@Joe Biden: Stop telling me that you are the authority on what is genuinely black…"

{The text is reproduced below. In it he admonishes both Joe Biden and Chelsea Handler not to presume for him in  defining who is and who is not black. He points out that Kamala Harris comes from a Indian and Jamaican black culture and  she has not shared the heritage of those American blacks who are descendents of slaves. In  a separate communication he points out that Harris has rewritten her history as the poor little  black girl that was bussed  to school. He pointed out that the community the parents lived in had good schools and she chose to use the race card to bus from a good school to a much better school. Race had nothing to do with the quality of either school.

 @ Chelsea Handler [ @Joe Biden, and @  my liberal white friends who live in safe, gated communities]
I don't want your smug advice.  My parents taught me to think for myself. I am not on the plantation. I do not have a plantation mentality. Stop telling me that you are the authority on what is genuinely black…
Ms. Handler.  You  condescendingly declared to the entire world when talking about rapper 50 Cent, about me and about EVERY black man in America : " I had to remind him that he was a black person, so he can’t vote fo,r Donald Trump .” 

 You broadcast the stereotype of the black man as  being dominated in all his activities by wild sex urges when you said:” I am willing to, you know, seal the deal in more ways than one if he changes his mind and publicly denounces Donald Trump..I might be willing to go for another spin if you know what  I’m talking about.” You made it clear that you and your ilk truly believe that   my thinking , 50 Cents  thinking and the thinking of every black man  in America is dominated not by our judgment but by what is between our legs, or better yet what is between your legs.

I am black. Not brown. Not light black. But dark, dark black. I am not into genealogy but my wife is. Both her family and my family were peaceful inhabitants of different small villages in Africa. Both of our villages were raided by other more  war like black tribes who captured and sold into slavery both the men and women. Most of the women were sold  [by other blacks]to Arab lands as sex slaves. Most of the men were brutally transported to the coast where they were sold [by other blacks] into the international slave trade. The fortunate ones, a very small proportion, went to the United States. A major proportion went to Brazil and other countries where they were worked to death.

My father was a skilled precision machinist who worked hard and through piecework made a good weekly living. My mother was a grocery clerk who had risen from box girl to  shelf stocker and then to assistant manager of the grocery department in a major food chain.

In elementary school I was a indifferent student, Since I was a good basketball player I was certain that I would make a fortune in the NBA. Then at 10 I had a life-changing experience. I attempted to shoplift a camera from a local variety store. As soon as I was out the door, two teenagers burst out of the store and chased me. I threw the camera to the ground and ran but they soon caught me and dragged me back into the store and set me down in the owner's office. I was scared and crying. I was afraid of the police. I was afraid of my parents. The owner asked me why I did it I told him that I wanted to the camera and that I would never do it again.

He told me that he would make me a deal. I could help the two boys clean out the stock room and by working four hours I would earn the camera.

During those four hours, I learned a lot. The two boys both came from troubled homes. Mr. Thomas, the shopkeeper not only employed them but also was a proxy uncle. Both were in high school and both were planning to go to college. Both, like me, had been very lackadaisical in elementary school and  in high school until they met Mr. Thomas.

My neighborhood was "working class" mostly Italian, some Jews, some Mexicans, and a few black families.  We played together from after school until dark. My education in the schoolyard prepared me for real life.There was a lot of jostling and a lot of insulting. Apparently among all groups there is a pecking order. My northern Italian friends insulted their fellow Italians by calling them wop,  Cretino, Culo, Curnut. Among my black friends MF was the most prominent. My Jewish friends also had their words of derision such as putz and shmuck.

I was a computer science major in college. On graduation I was hired by a local aerospace company as a computer programer. I was the only black person in my department. I decided to become an expert in computer languages and thus survived several rounds of layoffs. I then became involved in  customer technical interface visits and assisted in the preparation of our department contract bids and in the preparation of our research budget. When there was an opening for the business manager position for our department, I applied and after a series of interviews and tests I was promoted.

Currently, I live in a middle-class neighborhood. In my immediate section we have two families from India. It is interesting that they come from very separate cultures and have very little in common outside our joint neighborhood concerns. One family is Jewish. One family is Armenian. One family is mixed Caucasian and Asian. One family is mixed Italian and Mexican.  One other family is black.  The wives get along famously and as a group [before the pandemic] they  would  lunch together regularly once a month.

Why all the above?

I resent the  Democratic establishment telling me that Kamala Harris,  who is 50% Indian [her mothers family held slaves; her mother was a PhD biology researcher] and 50% “Jamaaican black” [her father's heritage was from Jamaica, far, far removed from the US slave experience] is now granted special status as a “black inheritor of the travails that my ancestors suffered" and thus I should disregard my concerns about the economy, healthcare, crime, violence, good schools, homelessness, etc. etc. and mindlessly vote for her because of her skin pigment.

I believe black lives matter. That is why I believe that the Democratic establishment has failed the black community by permitting failing schools and inferior education to destroy  entire generations of black youth.

I believe black lives matter. That is why I believe that the Democratic establishment has failed the black community by not making every effort to protect black youths from murder by other black youths in Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Los Angeles and just about every other city run by machine Democrats.

My father told me that I would have to work twice as hard as a white man to get the same job. But my father equipped me with the tools and with the inclination to work twice as hard so I achieved. His father told him that he would have to work three times as hard as a white man to get the same job. So his father equipped him with the tools and with the inclination to work three times as hard. The result is he achieved a well-paying profession and raised two children both  of whom became  professionals.

Yes, Joe Biden, I am black and I and my family have had special “ black" experiences. [So have my Jewish neighbors. So have my Italian neighbors. So have my Mexican neighbors].But most of all I am an American. I am worried about China, North Korea, Iran, Turkey and so many places around the world that wish to destroy us. I am worried about crime, economic prosperity and many other domestic problems. I am hopeful that America will continue to grow and prosper.

To Chelsea Handler, to Joseph Biden, and to  my liberal white friends who live in safe, gated communities [who are so nice to their black maids whom they bus in at 8 AM to clean their floors, do their laundry, cook the meals, etc. and then whom they  promptly  bus out before it gets dark]…. I don't want your smug advice. Mr. Thomas and my parents taught me to think for myself. I am not on the plantation. I do not have a plantation mentality. Stop telling me that you are the authority on what is genuinely black…




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