Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 This article by Yoram Ettinger captures much of the essential detail that  is basic to understanding the current Israeli state of mind concerning the “peace process”. Thus ,it would be very useful to incorporate  this article as part of my presentation concerning the Arab/Palestinian peace partner. I would  rate it as a “must-read” article.

However, I am aware that I have said this (“must read”) about numerous articles. I have not put them in context to establish  priorities for their distribution.

If we organize an e-mail reading  system for ourTemple group, then we can  distribute numerous articles without swamping the system.

Possibly, Rabbi Silver might want to organize some sort of exchange  (blog) for these  and other articles with his fellow rabbis and other Jewish educators. If so, I would be glad to cooperate in the process.

Enhanced Israeli realism  Yoram Ettinger  6-12-12

Recent findings by a June 12, 2012 Maagar Mochot poll, published by Israel Hayom on Tuesday, reflect a shift in the   Israeli state of mind, from the euphoric days of the 1993 Oslo Accords up until the recent eruption of the tectonic “Arab Street."
Palestinian terrorism has skyrocketed since Oslo: 250 Israelis were murdered in the 19 years prior to Oslo, while over 2,000 Israelis were murdered in the 19 years since Oslo.
Palestinian hate-education and incitement was prohibited under Israeli control; Palestinian hate-education and incitement — which is the most authentic reflection of one’s ideology — surged under the Palestinian Authority.
The Palestinian Authority's track record in the 19 years since Oslo has been heavy on hate-education, incitement,   terrorism, non-compliance, corruption, repression of fellow Palestinians, support of arch terrorists such as Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, support of anti-U.S. terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, and friendships with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and other enemies and rivals of the U.S. and Western democracies.
The seismic “Arab Street” has exposed the endemic vulnerabilities of “peace treaties” in the Middle East, highlighting the Arab Middle East as the role model of intra-Arab violence, treachery, unpredictably, instability, fragmentation, non-compliance and violation of human liberties.
Israelis are becoming increasingly realistic and realizing that Arabs cannot be expected to share a genuine peace with the “infidel” Jewish state, as they have failed to live in peace with one another for at least 1,400 years.
The Maagar Mochot poll found that:
1. 73% (compared with 64% last year) assume that the two-state solution will not resolve the conflict with the Palestinians.
2. 64% of Israelis, residing in pre-1967 Israel, support expansion of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Only 15% (compared with 20% last year) wish to halt settlement construction.
3. Only 45% support partial or full Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria.
4. Merely 5% support a unilateral Israeli withdrawal.
5. 46% (compared with 38% last year) oppose the uprooting of settlements in return for a peace treaty.
Realism has been the secret behind Jewish survival over the last 4,000 years. Enhanced realism is a prerequisite for   the survival of the Jewish state in the conflict-ridden Middle East.

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